Sunday, 2 November 2008

Unqualified to lead

In the next few days we'll see who is to be the next President. According to the polls Obama is a shoo-in. Whatever the result it is a widely recognised fact that both candidates are deeply flawed. Highlighted in the media: McCain lightness on economic literacy; Obama has been swotting hard on international affairs.

Here in the UK we have Brown - a calamitous leader. He even had 10 years to prepare. He's only started to look slightly statesman-like with a single issue to focus on. His response to that issue (the economy) has somehow, on the international stage and according to opinion polls, made him appear decisive.

Although Brown's straw-clutching has not been particularly impressive* it sets him miles apart from the weak and the spineless response from the Opposition. What choice does the voter have - the Brown Terror (becoming more terrifying by the day) or Cameron/Osborne effeteness? All with the decision-making capacity of a paper plate of jelly.

What is it about the political systems on both sides of the Atlantic that produce leaders that are patently unqualified for the job?

Bricking it
*Speaking of pouring money down the drain can anyone tell me how many tens of thousands Leeds City Council has wasted installing and then de-installing block-paved road crossings? Anyone who has taken the slightest notice of a block-paved drive would have seen how these rapidly deform with the passage of vehicles. How were they supposed to survive when hammered by hundreds of vehicles (including buses and trucks) every day (and turning them into deathtraps for those on 2 wheels)?

Just another example of how so-called leaders are pissing our money away. Meanwhile the economy they created destroys our savings.

1 comment:

The Bettsonian said...

Janet Daley articulates my point well with her article in the Telegraph: "in one of those bizarre jokes that history sometimes plays, the United States is apparently about to choose as president the most inexperienced, untried and virtually unknowable (because there is so little to know) candidate who has ever run for that office at a time of unquantifiable international risk and unprecedented economic instability". See: